Rekomendacje muzyczne / Music recommendations

Płyta tygodnia / record of the week

Płyta tygodnia / Album of the week:

Baths – Gut

Piosenka tygodnia / Song of the week:

Milc & Televangel – Long Way (feat. Deniro Farrar)


Słucham absurdalnych ilości muzyki różnych gatunków i z różnych części świata. Od roku 2016 prowadzę ewidencję, jaka była najlepsza płyta ktorej słuchałem w danym tygodniu. Podkreśleni artyści / albumy: Rzeczy warte szczególnej uwagi, link do RYM.

Aktualna płyta tygodnia będzie opatrzona linkiem do słuchania kiedy będzie to możliwe.

I  listen to absurd amounts of music of all genres and from all countries. Since 2016 I catalog the best record that I have heard each week. Underlined are artists and albums that particularly impressed me – link to RYM.

The current album of the week will feature a link to listen whenever it’s possible.

Wszystkie płyty tygodnia / All records of the week

Tydzień / week Artysta / artist Album
1 Gudrun Gut I Put a Record On
2 Pipódelica Simetria Radial
3 The Berzerker World of Lies
4 AKINO with Bless 4 Decennia
5 Rapider Than Horsepower Rapider Than The World
6 Puput Puput
7 A Tribe Called Quest We Got It From Here… Thank You 4 Your Service
8 ZelooperZ & Real Bad Man Dear Psilocybin
9 Tantric Bile Vampire Boudoir
10 Baths Gut
Tydzień / week Artysta / artist Album
1 Tool Lateralus
2 The American Analog Set For Forever
3 Litku Klemetti & Tuntematon numero Horror ’15
4 Przyzwoitość Moja Droga
5 Christian Zanési Le paradoxe de la femme-poisson
6 Skyforger Zobena Dziesma
7 Sabouk Sézon
8 Truchło Strzygi Nad którymi nie czuwa żaden stróż
9 Bill Orcutt Music For Four Guitars
10 Jean Jacques Perrey The Amazing New Electronic Pop Sound of Jean Jacques Perrey
11 Poison Idea Blank Blackout Vacant
12 80C Uri’s Domain
13 .michael. Blustery Dreams of Me Rendered Smiley Seeing You, Always
14 Negativland The World Will Decide
15 Deerhoof Friend Opportunity
16 Camberwell Now Dejaunost v študentskem
17 Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide Subliminal Sculptures
18 Fire-Toolz Interbeing
19 Bajaga i Instruktori Sa Druge Strane Jastuka
20 Massimo Zamboni Sorella Sconfitta
21 Big Garden To The Rind
22 Waszlavik A Legjobb Zene a Magyar
23 Suzanne Vega 99.9 F°
24 Winterquilt 愛が止ま H Y M N
25 Vellezerit Aliu AVI Rinia Elita e këngëve lirike
26 Puput Puput
27 U škripcu U škripcu
28 The Moonwalker Haunted Moon’s Coast
29 Sonic Youth Daydream Nation
30 Rotting Christ Pro Xristou
31 Hermann Kopp Nekronology
32 Major Parkinson Major Parkinson
33 Xaxaxa Tango revolucioner
34 Acid Arab Musique De France
35 Portishead Dummy
36 Chassol Big Sun
37 Björk Homogenic
38 Bruiser & Bicycle Woods Come Find Me
39 Flour L.U.V. 7.1.3.
40 Dungeon Wolf Barbed Wire Tattoo
41 Nirvana In Utero
42 Sumo After Chabón
43 Viper You’ll Cowards Don’t Even Smoke Crack 5 (Y’all Cowards Don’t Even Smoke Crack V)
44 Belladonnakillz Perverted & Proud
45 Cali Cartier Cali Cartier Best Dog
46 Cátia de França 20 Palavras ao Redor do Sol
47 Metrô Olhar
48 Radio Oceano Nin Falta Que Fai
49 Wagner Ödegård Panvatn
50 Emma Ruth Rundle Marked For Death
51 Eyeliner LARP of Luxury
52 AFX Selected Ambient Works 85-92
Tydzień / weekArtysta / artistAlbum
2Public SpeakingCaress, Redact
3Open Mike EagleA Tape Called Component System With the Auto Reverse
4Baby TreesTrenton Jeep And Nissan Presents: BabyTrees
5KvětyBílé včely
6CowsSorry In Pig Minor
7WWWTanec Sekyr
8BARCHBoiWild, Pure, Simple Life
9Andre NickatinaConversation With The Devil
10Romeo RuchaStay Calm
11Harvey MilkMy Love Is Higher Than Your Assessment of What My Love Could Be
13R. Stevie MooreGlad Music
15The MothersOver-Nite Sensation
16Modest MouseThe Lonesome Crowded West
18The ParagonsOn The Beach
19The AstronautsPeter Pan Hts the Suburbs
22Bolt ThrowerThe Ivth Crusade
23Θανάσης Παπακωνσταντίνου [Thanasis Papakonstantinou]Βραχνός προφήτης
24HengeAlpha Test 4
25Bonnie „Prince” BillyI See a Darkness
26Amos and CrewTrue Tears
27The Surpents Step Son!!Shake Junt
29OvenBugmans Tulpa
30DominatrixGirl Gathering
31Doc Corbin DartBlack Tuesday
32Die Trip Computer DieDie Like a Rock
33By Storm / Injury ReserveDouble Trio
34Kaizo SlumberKaizo Slumber Found Dead In Miami
35Kaizo SlumberHow Are We Feeling Today?
36Cattle DecapitationMonolith Of Inhumanity
37Kyle GannCuster And Sitting Bull
38Craic Boy MentalCork City Anthems
39Bob Wilson & The Brown EyesThere’s Only One Flag
40AleczandahGeovisual III
41ProgrramAutumn: How to Use Brain to Find Inner M*
42Stormy SixAl Volo
43Naomi ElizabethSome Of My Songs
44KjarkasCanto a la mujer de mi pueblo
45The Future Sound Of LondonDead Cities
46Starzy SingersRock-á-bubu
48WWW NeurobeatNeutopíš se dvakrát v téže řece
49Wagner ÖdegårdOm kosmos och de tolv järtekn
50BackworldFor The Life Of The World
51Łona x Konieczny x KrupaTAXI
52Lech JanerkaGipsowy Odlew Falsyfikatu
Tydzień / weekArtysta / artistAlbum
1Bladee & Ecco2kCrest
2Tom WaitsBad As Me
3Tom WaitsBlood Money
4ThingyTo The Innocent
5ThingyMorbid Curiosity
6Ten Wanted MenWanted: Dead or Alive
7For AgainstDecember
8Hüsker DüZen Arcade
9LabradfordA Stable Reference
11Idoli (Идоли)Одбрана и последњи дани
12TadSalt Lick
13Bryan ScaryBirds
14Bittová & VáclavekBílé inferno
15The Week That WasThe Week That Was
17Цукор — Біла Смерть [Tsukor — Bila Smert’]Манірна Музика (Manirna Muzika)
18RubenSlikkKing Astro Slikk the Magnificent
19Chakraさてこそ (Satekoso)
20MorphineCure For Pain
21Barbara MorgensternFjorden
22BeckSea Change
23Scott WalkerClimate of Hunter
24Sound Of CeresNostalgia For Infinity
25Dark TribeIn Jeraspunta – Die Rückkehr der tollwütigen Bestie
26News From BabelWork Resumed On the Tower
27The Dillinger Escape PlanCalculating Infinity
28Good Sad Happy BadShades
29Blue Apple BoySalient
30Denki Groove662 BPM by DG
32A Formal HorseHere Comes a Man From the Council With a Flamethrower
33Кассиопея [Cassiopeia]Крестик
35Rotten ApplesReal-Tuff (Durable Plastic)
37Lost CrownsEvery Night Something Happens
38LiturgyAs the Blood of God Bursts the Veins of Time
39Asmus TietchensNachtstücke
40H.N.A.S.Willkür nach Noten
42Gladde PalingDansmuziek
43goreshitGoretrance 9
44Smart Went CrazyCubbyhole
45Kitchen CynicsReekinhame
46WHY?Elephant Eyelash
47Richard DawsonThe Ruby Cord
48King Biscuit TimeBlack Gold
49DeliluhBeneath The Floors
50Duran DuranRio
51Lech JanerkaFiu, Fiu…
52Carl StoneHimalaya
Tydzień / weekArtysta / artistAlbum
1Circus DevilsGringo
2Circus DevilsMother Skinny
3Circus DevilsMy Mind Has Seen The White Trick
4Jane WeaverLoops In The Secret Society
5Circus DevilsWhen Machines Attack
6Wojciech WaglewskiGra-Żonie
7Kelly MoranUltraviolet
8Meg Baird, Helena Espvall & Sharron KrausLeaves From Off The Tree
9PMMPKovemmat kädet
10Susanne SundførThe Silicone Veil
11Rhys ChathamDie Donnergötter
12Erik WølloGateway
13CityAm Fenster
14Me In CaprisFor Those Who Think You
15The Brave Little AbacusMasked Dancers: Concern in So Many Things You Forget Where You Are
16Colin Stetson And Sara NeufeldNever Were the Way She Was
17Colin StetsonAll This I Do For Glory
18Colin StetsonNew History Warfare Vol. 2 (Judges)
19Colin StetsonNew History Warfare Vol. 1
20Nina Hagen BandNina Hagen Band
22An Exciting EventHark Ye Music Lovers
23Brendan ByrnesNeutral Paradise
24Childish GambinoBecause The Internet
25East India YouthCulture Of Volume
26ŚwietlikiWake Me Up Before You Fuck Me
2750 Foot WaveGolden Ocean
28MariposaPròffiti Now! Prima conferenza sulla musica componibile
29Mindless Self IndulgenceFrankenstein Girls Will Seem Strangely Sexy
30Mindless Self IndulgenceAlienating Our Audience
31Musica Per BambiniDio Contro Diavolo ovvero La Girella del Guitto
32LonesummerThere Are Few Tomorrows for Feeding Our Worries
3337763776を聴かない理由があるとすれば (3776 wo kikanai riyuu ga aru to sureba)
34Mark GormleyMark Gormley
35Various ArtistsOrange Twin Field Works Volume 1
36Deep TurtleThere’s a Vomitsprinkler in My Liverriver
37Lau NauValohiukkanen
38Les ThugsI.A.B.F. (International Anti Boredom Front)
39BackxwashGod Has Nothing to Do With This Leave Him Out of It
40Metal UrbainJ’irai chier dans ton vomi
41Order of The Rainbow GirlsS/t
42무키무키만만수 [Mukimukimanmansu]2012
43Weekend NachosWorthless
44Bad DudesEat Drugs
45Biały TunelBiały Tunel
46Mark MothersbaughThe Sims 2
47Jeromes DreamSeeing Means More Than Safety
48Frank ZappaLumpy Gravy
49Lost In The TreesA Church That Fits Our Needs
52Big Walnuts YonderBig Walnuts Yonder
Tydzień / weekArtysta / artistAlbum
3Thinking Fellers Union Local 282Strangers From The Universe
4Malibu KenMalibu Ken
5Total ControlHenge Beat
6The Monochrome SetVolume, Contrast, Brilliance…: Sessions & Singles Vol. 1
7TunE-yArDsBird Brains
8Charles Hayward(Begin Anywhere)
9Charly BlissYoung Enough
13Two FingersStunt Rhythms
14True WidowCircumambulation
16PixiesBeneath The Eyrie
17Maxo KreamBrandon Banks
19ViperThe Hiram Clarke Cluster
20Nusrat Fateh Ali KhanShahen Shah
21The UnthanksMount The Air
23WireA Bell Is a Cup…Until It Is Struck
24PiernikowskiThe Best Of Moje Getto
25The Future Sound Of LondonYage 2019
26WavvesKing Of The Beach
27Rizwan-Muazzam QawwaliA Better Destiny
29XTCBlack Sea
30XTCApple Venus Volume 1
31Nick Cave And The Bad SeedsGhosteen
32Xmal DeutschlandTocsin
33ヤプーズ [Yapoos] Dadada ism
35Henry CowellPiano Music
36N.O.D.Niggaz Of Destruction
38RapoonThe Fires Of The Borderlands
39Victims FamilyWhite Bread Blues
40Fly AshtraySawgrass Subligette
41The Ruins Of BeverastRains Upon The Impure
42PlaidDouble Figure
43Aldous HardingDesigner
44ImmortalNorthern Chaos Gods
45ImmortalSons Of The Northern Darkness
46ImmortalPure Holocaust
48Птицу Емъ [Ptitsu Yem]Давай забудем о морали (Davay zabudem o morali)
49Captain Beefheart and the Magic BandSafe As Milk
50Napalm DeathLogic Ravaged By Brute Force
52His Name Is AliveLivonia
Tydzień / weekArtysta / artistAlbum
1Rival ConsolesOdyssey / Sonne
2BodychokeFive Prostitutes
3CalifoneRoots & Crowns
4The White SharkMuggy Bog
5Les Big ByrdIran Iraq IKEA
6Mr. HagemanTwin Smooth Snouts
7PJ HarveyStories From the City, Stories From the Sea
8PyogenesisA Century in the Curse of Time
9Christian FitnessThis Taco Is Not Correct
10Boards of CanadaThe Campfire Headphase
11HellwoodChainsaw of Life
12Camberwell NowAll’s Well
13P.M. DawnThe Bliss Album…?
15BisSlight Disconnects
16Cocteau TwinsHeaven or Las Vegas
18MulticultPosition Remote
19Jamie WoonMirrorwriting
20Bear in HeavenRed Bloom Of the Boom
21The WorkRubber Cage
22Black EyesCough
23Xiu XiuAlways
24Three-6 MafiaMystic Stylez
254 Pozitsii BrunoМногоножки и Сердцеедки
26InquisitionObscure Verses for the Multiverse
27Dixie DregsFull Circle
28Kemper CrabbThe Vigil
30Long Fin KillieValentino
31Prince Rama of AyodhyaThreshold Dances
32Charles HamiltonWell Isn’t This Awkward
33North Atlantic OscillationFog Electric
34Sleater-KinneyOne Beat
35The Number Twelve Looks Like YouMongrel
36Toy DollsIdle Gossip
37TobaccoUltima II Massage
38Nusrat Fateh Ali KhanRapture
39The WildheartsReneissance Men
40Der BlutharschDer Sieg des Lichtes ist des Lebens Heil!
41Yung LeanStranger
42ButtonheadNever Or Forget
43The Heroine SheiksRape on the Installment Plan
44The Heroine SheiksOut Of Aferica
45Richard Dawson2020
46Duobetic HomunkulusAni já, ani ty, robit něbudzeme šedněme do koča, vozit še budzeme
47Lech JanerkaHistoria Podwodna
48North Sea Radio OrchestraNorth Sea Radio Orchestra
49Goon MoonLicker’s Last Leg
50Captain Beefheart and The Magic BandShiny Beast (Bat Chain Puller)
51BieliznaTaniec Lekkich Goryli
52Circus DevilsMother Skinny
Tydzień / weekArtysta / artistAlbum
1BisSocial Dancing
2Janet Feder + Fred FrithIronic Universe
3ChromeRed Exposure
4BisReturn to Central
5Benjamin ClementineI Tell a Fly
6Toy DollsDig That Groove Baby
7Kelly Lee OwensKelly Lee Owens
8BongwaterThe Power of Pussy
9Candy ClawsCeres & Calypso in the Deep Time
10Graham KartnaShoot the Moons
11The Fall50,000 Fall Fans Can’t Be Wrong: 39 Golden Greats
12Marika HackmanI’m Not Your Man
13The FallDragnet
15Thomas DolbyThe Golden Age Of Wireless
16Mariachi El BronxIII
17Scallops HotelSovereign Nose of (Y)our Arrogant Face
18Napalm DeathUtilitarian
19Solid SpaceSpace Museum
20GhostpoetShedding Skin
21YvyyMetaphysics Of Death
22The ChameleonsStrange Times
23Chancha Vía CircuitoAmansara
24FugaziThe Argument
25Yves TumorExperiencing the Deposit of Faith
26Laura JeanDevotion
27AntenaCamino Del Sol
28Royal HeadacheRoyal Headache
29Dean BluntBlack Metal
30Oneohtrix Point NeverGarden Of Delete
32News From BabelLetters Home
33WarmduscherWhale City
34SwirliesStrictly East Coast Sneaky Flute Music / They Spent Their Wild Youthful Days in the Glittering World of the Salons
35Richard DawsonPeasant
36Bel CantoBirds Of Passage
37 The FallShitf-work
38Ho99o9Horrors of 1999
39This is the KitMoonshine Freeze
40Neil Young with Crazy HorseEverybody Knows This is Nowhere
41Neil YoungFreedom
42King KongFunny Farm
43 The FallRe-Mit
44MiloMilo Takes Baths
45Joni MitchellClouds
46Heavy VegetableMondo Aqua Kitty
47Eyes Of LoveEnd Of The Game
48Patricia TaxxonTraveller
50Survival KnifeLoose Power
51VoivodThe Wake
52Sidi Bou SaidBodies
Tydzień / weekArtysta / artistAlbum
1Eric’s TripForever Again
2Ron JarzombekSolitarily speaking of Theoretical Confinement
3Aphex TwinComputer Controlled Acoustic Instruments pt2
4Primitive PartsParts Primitive
5Emma PollockIn Search of Harperfield
6Yves TumorSerpent Music
7Hello SaferideIntroducing…Hello Saferide
8:Of the Wand & the Moon:Sonnenheim
9Country TeasersFull Moon Empty Sportsbag (aka Secret Weapon Revealed at Last)
10The Radio Dept.Lesser Matters
11Sleaford ModsEnglish Tapas
12Jason FalknerAll Quiet On the Noise Floor
13The Magnetic Fields50 Songs Memoir
14ThronesSperm Whale
15Fred ThomasAll Are Saved
16The Brave Little AbacusJust Got Back From the Discomfort—We’re Alright
17The CarsThe Cars
18Team DreschPersonal Best
19Allan HoldsworthIOU
20PolvoExploded Drawing
21Coaltar Of The DeepersYukari Telepath
22James FerraroNYC, Hell 3:00 AM
23The FallThe Unutterable
24The WildheartsEarth vs the Wildhearts
25 The FallThe Real New Fall LP: Formerly Country on the Click
26HailHello Debris
27 The FallFall Heads Roll
28 The FallThe Marshall Suite
29 The FallCode: Selfish
30 The FallLevitate
31Big ThiefCapacity
32Butthole SurfersIndependent Worm Saloon
33MedicineShot Forth Self Living
34Steve Kilbey & Martin KennedyUnseen Music Unheard Words
35Destruction UnitSelf Desturction Of A Man
36PiernikowskiNo Fun
37AM & Shawn LeeLa Musique Numérique
38AFXLondon 03.06.17
40RheostaticsNight of the Shooting Stars
41RingNervous Recreation
42Psychick TVAllegory and Self
43The FleshtonesThe Band Drinks for Free
44U.S. MapleAcre Thrills
45Delta 5Singles & Sessions 1979 – 81
46The SmithereensEspecially For You
47Cheer-AccidentNo Ifs, Ands Or Dogs
48SaicobabSab Se Purani Bab
49Aztec CameraHigh Land, Hard Rain
50JuiceboxxxHighway to The Heartland
51ChromeAlien Soundtracks
52KilldozerTwelve Point Buck
Tydzień / weekArtysta / artistAlbum
1Dum Dum GirlsOnly in Dreams
2Xmal DeutschlandDevils
3Dan FrielLife
4The Woolen MenThe Woolen Men
5Dengue FeverDengue Fever
6Lisa GermanoGeek The Girl
9Velocity Girl¡Simpatico!
10Chris KnoxPolyfoto, Duck-Shaped Pain & Gum
12Prince RamaTop Ten Hits of the End of the World
13Prince RamaShadow Temple
14LabradfordA Stable Reference
15Ozric TentaclesErpland
16Bob MouldModulate.
17Thinking Fellers Union Local 282Lovelyville
18UnwoundLeaves Turn Inside You
20Yo La TengoSummer Sun
21LaikaSounds of The Satellites
22Thinking Fellers Union Local 282Wormed By Leonard
23BongwaterToo Much Sleep
24Eiko IshibashiCarapace
26Public MemoryWuthering Drum
27Axel KrygierHombre De Piedra
28Scritti PolittiCupid & Psyche 85
29Micachu & the ShapesGood Sad Happy Bad
31Eiko Ishibashi & Tatsuya YoshidaSlip Beneath the Distant Tree
32Micachu & The Shapes & London SinfoniettaChopped & Screwed
34Ken StringfellowDanzig In The Moonlight
35The Lounge LizardsQueen Of All Ears
36Strawberry SwitchbladeStrawberry Switchblade
37WHY?Elephant Eyelash
38Sad Lovers & GiantsEpic Garden Music
39North Sea Radio OrchestraBirds
40The Advisory CircleAs The Crow Flies
41Not WavingAnimals
42Jenny HvalApocalypse, Girl
43The Soft MoonDeeper
44These New PuritansField Of Reeds
45Andy StottLuxury Problems
47Late Of The PierFantasy Black Channel
48Julian CopeJehovahkill
49Midnight JuggernautsDystopia
50Midnight JuggernautsThe Crystal Axis
51The Aluminum GroupPlano
52Blotted ScienceThe Animation of Entomology

Playlisty / Playlists

Playlisty ułożone przez JLFS do audycji radiowych / Playlists prepared for radio shows by JLFS.

DataMiejsce emisjiNumer playlistyNumer porz.ArtystaPiosenka
16.01.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250116-Z1Teenage BottlerocketHeadbanger
16.01.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250116-Z2Heavy VegetableHead Rush
16.01.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250116-Z3Akina NakamoriOkibi
16.01.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250116-Z4Andre NickatinaDice of Life (The Bottle)
16.01.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250116-Z5Berri TxarrakHil Nintzen Eguna
16.01.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250116-Z6SlowgoldSammetsmorgon
16.01.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250116-Z7Jan LF StrachŚwinoujście Internet Cafe
16.01.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250116-Z8Arab Strap(If There’s) No Hope for Us
16.01.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250116-Z9E-40Block Boi
16.01.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250116-Z10Stormy SixPiazza degli Affari
16.01.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250116-Z11White MedalAd Skellered Oaak Wiel
16.01.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250116-Z12Flickers From the FenPicking Flax
16.01.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250116-Z13Big ThiefObjects
16.01.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250116-Z14NTV VirusÁnh Trăng ưu Phiền
16.01.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250116-Z15Einstürzende NeubautenSalamandrina
16.01.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250116-Z16ZillaKamiNissan Only
16.01.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250116-Z17The Walker BrothersNite Flights
16.01.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250116-Z18William DoyleMillersdale
13.02.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250213-Z1METZNo Ceiling
13.02.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250213-Z2Leevi and the LeavingsViisas Talonmies
13.02.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250213-Z3Billy Woods & Kenny SegalCheckpoints
13.02.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250213-Z4WilmaNu Ik Weet Wat Liefde Is
13.02.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250213-Z5Posij & FormerBlue Flesh
13.02.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250213-Z6Wagner ÖdegårdOppinbarlik
13.02.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250213-Z7Craic Boi MentalNá Caitheamh Tobac
13.02.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250213-Z8poj.wlkpPółsen
13.02.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250213-Z9VårThe World Fell
13.02.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250213-Z10Siouxsie and the BansheesArabian Knights
13.02.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250213-Z11HengeTardigrade
13.02.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250213-Z12Sergei ProkofievLieutenant Kije Suite∶ Troika
13.02.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250213-Z13BummerI Want to Punch Bruce Springsteen in the Dick
13.02.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250213-Z14Antipop ConsortiumPing Pong
13.02.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250213-Z15Dorothy CarterThe King of Glory (Israeli Melody)
13.02.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250213-Z16Chris WhitleyBliss To Breakdown
13.02.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250213-Z17Choking victimIn My Grave
13.02.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250213-Z18PrinceRaspberry Beret
13.02.2025Alternator, Radio Żak250213-Z19Lau NauElina
DataMiejsce emisjiNumer playlistyNumer porz.ArtystaPiosenka
18.01.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240118-Z1Nine Inch NailsThe Perfect Drug (Edit)
18.01.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240118-Z2ViolensThe Dawn Of Your Happiness is Rising
18.01.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240118-Z3AnnieOut Of Reach
18.01.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240118-Z4Hemlock ErnstDown
18.01.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240118-Z5CardiacsR.E.S.
18.01.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240118-Z6EspersRosemary Lane
18.01.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240118-Z7FonosidaNavajas
18.01.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240118-Z8Jan LF StrachKurz + Bałagan
18.01.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240118-Z9Jeremy DutcherSakomawit
18.01.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240118-Z10BoobaTemps Mort
18.01.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240118-Z11BisThe Hit Girl
18.01.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240118-Z12UnderworldThis Must Be Drum Street
18.01.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240118-Z13Willie NelsonStay All Night (Stay a Little Longer)
18.01.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240118-Z14Thinking Fellers Union Local 282Trevor
18.01.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240118-Z15Rx Papi & Gud12 Stout Street
18.01.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240118-Z16Arcane ExistenceMystic
18.01.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240118-Z17Bobby McFerrinCommon Threads
29.02.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240229-Z1Left Lane CruiserBig Momma
29.02.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240229-Z2Marcin ŚwietlickiDlatego Że Mnie Nie Chcesz
29.02.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240229-Z319 Gadi Pirms SakurnaZemniece
29.02.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240229-Z4Open Mike EagleBET’s Rap City (feat. Young Zee)
29.02.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240229-Z5Kossoy SistersI’ll Fly Away
29.02.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240229-Z6De PressHaluś (Pocies ze mnie)
29.02.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240229-Z7Musica Per BambiniIl Capo Dei Nonni
29.02.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240229-Z8Jan LF StrachNikt Nie Kibicuje Czterdziestolatkowi
29.02.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240229-Z9Bonnie Prince BillyAnother Day Full Of Dread
29.02.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240229-Z10BRUTUSDjango
29.02.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240229-Z11Paperi TSä Jätät Jäljen
29.02.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240229-Z12The ParagonsI Want To Go Back
29.02.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240229-Z13Joe JacksonGot The Time
29.02.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240229-Z14Nick DalyKing Of The Jungle
29.02.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240229-Z15Just MustardCurtains
29.02.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240229-Z16KillstationConcrete
29.02.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240229-Z17KnorkatorDeutschland ist schön
29.02.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240229-Z18The Dillinger Escape PlanJim Fear
29.02.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240229-Z19Robert WyattSea Song
28.03.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240328-Z1DeftonesSwerve City
28.03.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240328-Z2CardiacsTwo Bites Of Cherry
28.03.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240328-Z3Blue Sky Black Death and Nacho PicassoKickin Out Windows
28.03.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240328-Z4OrplidAbschied
28.03.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240328-Z5The MatchesPapercut Skin
28.03.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240328-Z6Doc WatsonPeartree
28.03.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240328-Z7BeheritSuck My Blood
28.03.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240328-Z8Jan LF Strach & Indifferent SpacesSummer’s Uncle
28.03.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240328-Z9Kasia KowalskaWyznanie
28.03.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240328-Z10Lil GinSmooth Getaway
28.03.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240328-Z11DenadaKucing Garong
28.03.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240328-Z12The Teenagers ResponsibleWhy Do You Think They Call It High School?
28.03.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240328-Z13HengeExo
28.03.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240328-Z14Iren LovaszHajda Szelben
28.03.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240328-Z15For AgainstStranded In Greenland
28.03.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240328-Z16Whip GirlEnter The Darkness
28.03.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240328-Z17Bajaga i InstruktoriRuski Voz
18.04.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240418-Z1NirvanaTerritorial Pissings
18.04.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240418-Z2Connan MockassinMegumi the Milkway Above
18.04.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240418-Z3Hartó Fallion & Nolan BerollinS 0 T Y
18.04.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240418-Z4Emma Ruth RundleShadows Of My Name
18.04.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240418-Z5(Three Spaces)Breastaurant
18.04.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240418-Z6The QueersNoodlebrain (live)
18.04.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240418-Z7Elio e Le Storie TeseNella Vecchia Azienda Agricola
18.04.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240418-Z8John FruscianteRegret
18.04.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240418-Z9Jan LF StrachJak Fala
18.04.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240418-Z10Open Mike EagleMulti-Game Arcade Cabinet
18.04.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240418-Z11Owls Woods GravesAccused Of Witchcraft
18.04.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240418-Z12Edu LôboViola Fora de Moda
18.04.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240418-Z13Naomi ElizabethGod Sent Me Here To Rock You
18.04.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240418-Z14Hound Dog with a TumorJake’s Frag Party
18.04.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240418-Z15ZeeloperzOutta Key(s) Lalala
18.04.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240418-Z16Grzegorz TurnauMiędzy Ciszą a Ciszą
18.04.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240418-Z17Twilight GuardiansLa Isla Bonita (Madonna cover)
18.04.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240418-Z18HouseholdGo Away
18.04.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240418-Z19Mabe FrattiNadie Sabe
23.05.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240523-Z1PrimusWynona’s Big Brown Beaver
23.05.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240523-Z2Romeo RuchaEyes See
23.05.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240523-Z3Twa TootPlease Don’t Play A Rainy Night in Georgia
23.05.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240523-Z4Andre NickatinaI’m a Pisces
23.05.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240523-Z5DidjitsJoliet
23.05.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240523-Z6Tappi TíkarrassÍþróttir
23.05.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240523-Z7Jan LF StrachZielony Mrok Eleonory
23.05.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240523-Z8The CreaturesGecko
23.05.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240523-Z9Nick Cave & Warren EllisHand of God
23.05.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240523-Z10The StranglersDead Loss Angeles
23.05.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240523-Z113호선 버터플라이 (3rd Line Butterfly)거울아 거울아
23.05.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240523-Z12Cool 3D WorldHygiene O.S.T.
23.05.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240523-Z13Craic Boi MentalBurn (Letter 2 Eamon De Valera)
23.05.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240523-Z14Lo BorgesO Trem Azul
23.05.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240523-Z15MilkcanKeep Your Head Up!!
23.05.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240523-Z16DeftonesDigital Bath
23.05.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240523-Z17Vince StaplesThe Big Fish
23.05.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240523-Z18Patricia TaxxonThe Brightest Timeline
27.06.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240627-Z1DÿseLaicos Neidem
27.06.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240627-Z2MagmaUdu Wudu
27.06.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240627-Z3Hamish ImlachThe Tall Tale
27.06.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240627-Z4Deli GirlsShut Up
27.06.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240627-Z5No ThingsHave It Your Way
27.06.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240627-Z6Wilma‘n Suikerspin
27.06.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240627-Z7Mats/MorganRubber Sky
27.06.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240627-Z8Satan PanonskiBeogradski Pasaluk
27.06.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240627-Z9CardiacsIdeal (live on Mark Radcliffe Radio Session 1995)
27.06.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240627-Z10Jan LF StrachNap)c=)a Bootku
27.06.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240627-Z11Spires That In The Sunset RiseLittle for a Lot
27.06.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240627-Z12Baby TreesTrenton Jeep and Nissan- You Are What You Drive
27.06.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240627-Z13Kaizo SlumberButterflies
27.06.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240627-Z14OvenBlue Means March Blue Meanies
27.06.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240627-Z15Paul Hillier EnsembleThird Tune for Archbishop Parker’s Psalter (Why fum’th in sight)
27.06.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240627-Z16City MorgueNitro Cell
27.06.2024Alternator, Radio Żak240627-Z17Art Of TranceMadagascar (Original Mix)
24.10.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241024-Z1underscoresLocals (Girls Like Us)
24.10.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241024-Z2MorphineBuena
24.10.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241024-Z3Lemon JellyThe Shouty Track
24.10.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241024-Z4Equipto and Mike MarshallI Love the Dough
24.10.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241024-Z5Los KjarkasCanto a la Mujer de mi Pueblo
24.10.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241024-Z6Strawberry SwitchbladeGo Away
24.10.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241024-Z7Sleepy PeopleShe Laughs Until She Stops
24.10.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241024-Z8Red FoleySugarfoot Rag
24.10.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241024-Z9Michael ChristmasY’all Trippin’
24.10.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241024-Z10’68E
24.10.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241024-Z11Mestre AmbrósioFórro de Primeira
24.10.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241024-Z12R. Stevie MooreAdvertising Agency of Fucking
24.10.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241024-Z13WWWZávory
24.10.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241024-Z14WhenThe Night Empty of All Stories
24.10.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241024-Z15ElbowNewborn
24.10.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241024-Z16Andre NickatinaMother
24.10.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241024-Z17Minnie RippertonLes Fleur
21.11.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241121-Z1David Liebe Hart BandLa Rent Doesn’t Want Me To Look at Porn (Violitionist Sessions)
21.11.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241121-Z2Guilty Simpson & Uncommon NasaThe Devil
21.11.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241121-Z3LookfarThe Piper at the Gates of Dawn
21.11.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241121-Z4SandraAround My Heart
21.11.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241121-Z5Team DreschFagetarian and Dyke
21.11.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241121-Z6Akcja Zorganizowanej PrzeciętnościRobbie Williams Uratował Mi Życie
21.11.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241121-Z7DungenDu är För Fin För Mig
21.11.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241121-Z8Fantômas04-08-05 Friday
21.11.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241121-Z9Blue Sky Black Death and HolocaustMonarchs
21.11.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241121-Z10Litku Klemetti & Tuntematon numeroRakastaa
21.11.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241121-Z11Municipal WasteThe Thing
21.11.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241121-Z12SeldaYaz Gazeteci
21.11.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241121-Z13Horse Jumper of LoveSpaceman
21.11.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241121-Z14Craic Boi MentalBratatata
21.11.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241121-Z15Arlindo CruzAmor Com Certeza
21.11.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241121-Z16The WildheartsTop Of The Wolrd (live)
21.11.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241121-Z17Magdalena BayLive 4ever
21.11.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241121-Z18HeyPodobno
21.11.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241121-Z19David ArkenstoneAncient Legend
5.12.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241205-Z1KornA.D.I.D.A.S.
5.12.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241205-Z2StreetsDon’t Mug Yourself
5.12.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241205-Z3Michael NymanBird Anthem
5.12.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241205-Z4Al Di MeolaFantasia Suite for Two Guitars
5.12.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241205-Z5DichotomyCovenant of the Forsworn
5.12.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241205-Z6AlenMarika
5.12.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241205-Z7The Raymond BrakeMedicine Car
5.12.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241205-Z8Shoreline MafiaAll the Time
5.12.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241205-Z9HouseholdShreds
5.12.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241205-Z10Jan LF StrachW Czasie Zaprzeszłym
5.12.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241205-Z11Richard MarxHazard
5.12.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241205-Z12MachaUntil Your Temples Are Pounding
5.12.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241205-Z13PisseHundegelatine
5.12.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241205-Z14Genesis OwusuThe Other Black Dog
5.12.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241205-Z15FijiLe Andi
5.12.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241205-Z16DominatrixClose Enough to Jump
5.12.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241205-Z17Aesop RockMindful Solutionism
5.12.2024Alternator, Radio Żak241205-Z18Lasica & Satinský & FilipDo Batôžka
DataMiejsce emisjiNumer playlistyNumer porz.ArtystaPiosenka
26.01.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230126-Z1Injury ReserveRap Song Tutorial
26.01.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230126-Z2MonsoonThird Eye And Tikka T.V.
26.01.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230126-Z3Bloodhound GangAlong Comes Mary
26.01.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230126-Z4ACOHans
26.01.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230126-Z5After The Fire1980-F
26.01.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230126-Z6Johnny DowdA Picture From Life’s Other Side
26.01.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230126-Z7Jan LF StrachTęsknotyzm
26.01.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230126-Z8Gladde Paling & OpgekonkerdVrije Val
26.01.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230126-Z98836/1 Sfigato
26.01.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230126-Z10BlacklistersClubfoot by Kasabian
26.01.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230126-Z11Gabriel FaureChanson d’Amour, Opus 27, No. 1 (Barbara Bonney)
26.01.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230126-Z12Smart Went CrazyFossils In Ink
26.01.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230126-Z13Susanne SundførWhite Foxes
26.01.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230126-Z14Buke And GaseYour Face Left Before You
26.01.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230126-Z15Ben Watt & Robert WyattWalter and John
26.01.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230126-Z16Django DjangoFound You
26.01.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230126-Z17Annaleigh AshfordSunday in the Park with George (z musicalu Sunday in the Park with George)
23.02.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230223-Z1VASTTouched
23.02.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230223-Z2PM DawnI Hate Myself For You
23.02.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230223-Z3DeerhoofWhither The Invisible Birds
23.02.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230223-Z4The Honeymoon KillersRush
23.02.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230223-Z5BrontosauriSlunovrat
23.02.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230223-Z6SB The MoorBlack Unicorn Black Uniform
23.02.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230223-Z7Robinet D’amour ft. Flat WorldTout est sous contrôle
23.02.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230223-Z8Static-XPush It
23.02.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230223-Z9Projekt LutyDruhna Duchna
23.02.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230223-Z10Isabella LovestoryExibisionista
23.02.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230223-Z11Danielson FamileCast It At The Setting Sail
23.02.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230223-Z12Amanda PalmerPolly (Nirvana cover)
23.02.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230223-Z13Carmen VillainRed Desert
23.02.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230223-Z14Eagles Of Death MetalSecret Plans
23.02.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230223-Z15Paul MariatLove Is Blue
23.02.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230223-Z16Zack FoxMenace
23.02.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230223-Z17James Newton HowardTunnel Of Women (Flatliners OST)
23.02.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230223-Z18AlcestAutre Temps
15.03.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230315-Z1D.A.F.Der Sheriff
15.03.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230315-Z2They Might Be GiantsDon’t Let’s Start
15.03.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230315-Z3GhostemaneVenom
15.03.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230315-Z4HemHalf Acre
15.03.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230315-Z5CardiacsWind And Rains Is Cold
15.03.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230315-Z6BrainiacStill Insane (live)
15.03.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230315-Z7Wild Of NightB4 Your Eyes
15.03.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230315-Z8The JackaDrugged Out
15.03.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230315-Z9Jan LF StrachKrzysztof Mi Się Zapętlił
15.03.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230315-Z10Klô PelgagJ’aurai Les Cheveux Longs
15.03.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230315-Z11Shinsei Kamattechan知恵ちゃんの聖書 Chie-chan no seisho (Chie-chan’s scriptures)
15.03.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230315-Z12R. Stevie MoorePart Of The Problem
15.03.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230315-Z13Two FingersLED Moon Rhythm
15.03.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230315-Z14Concrete BlondeDarkening Of The Light
15.03.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230315-Z15BobbingKelly’s Dungeon
15.03.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230315-Z16MiloPaging Mr. Bill Nunn
15.03.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230315-Z17Pusta PrzestrzeńKolejny Plan
27.04.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230427-Z1KarpForget The Minions
27.04.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230427-Z2Jonathan RichmanI Was Dancing in a Lesbian Bar
27.04.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230427-Z3Niño de ElcheSoledades de la Pereza
27.04.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230427-Z4Vince StaplesDopeman (feat. Joey Fatts & Kilo Kish)
27.04.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230427-Z5German Error MessageHaunts
27.04.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230427-Z6Sergei RachmaninovOp. 23, Prélude No. 5 in G Minor (Olga Scheps)
27.04.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230427-Z7Heavy VegetableMyliebetz
27.04.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230427-Z8Anna JurksztowiczPrzenikam
27.04.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230427-Z9Jan LF StrachNa Mapie w Szkole
27.04.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230427-Z10Dizzee RascalStand Up Tall
27.04.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230427-Z11Nick DrakeClothes Of Sand
27.04.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230427-Z12MilkCanWe Are MilkCan!!
27.04.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230427-Z13NiechęćRajza
27.04.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230427-Z14PromykiSpit To My Mouth
27.04.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230427-Z15Peter FoxHaus Am See
27.04.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230427-Z16Lost CrownsLost Crowns
27.04.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230427-Z17Zwaboldy GoodiesCoffee Biscuit
25.05.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230525-Z1SepulturaRatamahatta
25.05.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230525-Z2Todd TerjeAlfonso Muskedunder
25.05.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230525-Z3Lucio BattistiLe Cose Che Pensano
25.05.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230525-Z4BleachShotgun
25.05.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230525-Z5Why?Waterfalls
25.05.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230525-Z6Bad Boy Chiller CrewOrgan
25.05.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230525-Z7Birthday AssSunlit Toes
25.05.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230525-Z8Guided By VoicesNow To War
25.05.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230525-Z9Jan Lf StrachMYIW Theme Song 2
25.05.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230525-Z10VoivodPanorama
25.05.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230525-Z11Open Mike EagleI’ll Fight You
25.05.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230525-Z12KnorkatorSchmutzfink (Guido Horn Waldorf Mix)
25.05.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230525-Z13Mindless Self IndulgenceDaddy
25.05.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230525-Z14Scarlett JohanssonNo One Knows I’m Gone
25.05.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230525-Z15Them AirsTunxis Valley
25.05.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230525-Z16Rob CrowLocking Seth Putnam In A Hot Topic
25.05.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230525-Z17Ariel PinkAlisa
25.05.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230525-Z18EelsThe Other Shoe
25.05.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230525-Z19Paige O Hara & CastBelle (Disney Beauty & The Beast OST)
22.06.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230622-Z1ScooterEndless Summer
22.06.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230622-Z2Faith No MoreUgly In The Morning
22.06.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230622-Z3Scout NiblettLet Thine Heart Be Warned
22.06.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230622-Z4The Sooper Swag ProjectCharlie Chaplin
22.06.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230622-Z5DelibesDuo Des Fleurs (z opery Lakme)
22.06.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230622-Z6DeicideCrucified For The Innocence
22.06.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230622-Z7DragibusDomotor
22.06.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230622-Z8Romeo RuchaSit Down There
22.06.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230622-Z9Jan LF StrachGotowa Na Łabędzia
22.06.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230622-Z10Musica Per BambiniD.I.O.
22.06.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230622-Z11Tidlige ArmbåndGnister, Bryster, Gnister
22.06.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230622-Z122 Ton BugHurricane Lemmy
22.06.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230622-Z13OrthotonicsSome Of Us
22.06.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230622-Z14WWWŽena líže kost
22.06.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230622-Z15France GallLes Succettes
22.06.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230622-Z16The EvaporatorsGet Off The Treadmill
22.06.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230622-Z17Buke And GaseIn The Company Of Fish
22.06.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230622-Z18AKACity Drugs
22.06.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230622-Z19Coin Locker KidBoy Toy, pt. 1
22.06.2023Alternator, Radio Żak230622-Z20Massive AttackGirl I Love You
26.10.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231026-Z1RefusedNew Noise
26.10.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231026-Z2The TriffidsIn The Pines
26.10.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231026-Z3MiloAlmost Cut My Hair (For Crosby)
26.10.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231026-Z4Hello SaferideThe Quiz
26.10.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231026-Z5BlackyKui Me Päikeseloojangut Ootama Peaks …
26.10.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231026-Z6TadHelot
26.10.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231026-Z7Bubba SparxxxComin’ Round
26.10.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231026-Z8Antony And The JohnsonsYou Stand Above Me
26.10.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231026-Z9Jan LF StrachDoktor z Alpejskiej Wioski Jedzie Po Chleb i Wraca
26.10.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231026-Z10Green DayBab’s Uvula Who?
26.10.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231026-Z11Ekatarina VelikaBudi Sam Na Ulici (live)
26.10.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231026-Z12OttoCrystal Hole
26.10.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231026-Z13Blue Sky Black Death and Nacho PicassoSurf Nazis Must Die
26.10.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231026-Z14Starzy SingersGary River
26.10.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231026-Z15American Analog SetWeather Report
26.10.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231026-Z16VASTPretty When You Cry
26.10.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231026-Z17Klô PelgagLa Maison Jaune
16.11.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231116-Z1KornGood God
16.11.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231116-Z2QuickspaceThe Munchers
16.11.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231116-Z3Andre NickatinaA Yo
16.11.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231116-Z4Ichiko AobaYousei Nou Temaneki
16.11.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231116-Z5Robert Johnson And PunchdrunksOld Superstition (Works In A Different Age)
16.11.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231116-Z6Deep TurtleBasura
16.11.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231116-Z7L’RainKill Self
16.11.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231116-Z8The Horne SectionBagface
16.11.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231116-Z9Sunny Day Real EstateTelevision
16.11.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231116-Z10SmudoRudi
16.11.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231116-Z11James FerraroGlobal Lunch
16.11.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231116-Z12Otis TaylorBlind Piano Teacher
16.11.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231116-Z13IdoliJedina (Uzurikzurli)
16.11.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231116-Z14Jan LF Strach feat. M & Deadly Fire EndPrzejściówka
16.11.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231116-Z15DescendentsI Wanna Be A Bear
16.11.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231116-Z16Arab StrapStink
16.11.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231116-Z17Les BaxterSimba
16.11.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231116-Z18SwansI Am The Sun
16.11.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231116-Z19Ms Robinson2 Times Tables (Bringing Tables Back)
16.11.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231116-Z20Ola GjeiloNorthern Lights
14.12.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231214-Z1Guano ApesLords Of The Boards
14.12.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231214-Z2Malibu KenAcid King
14.12.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231214-Z3MecanoTe Busque
14.12.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231214-Z4Zbigniew HołdysStalker
14.12.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231214-Z5Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs PigsMr Medicine
14.12.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231214-Z6Vince StaplesFUN!
14.12.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231214-Z7poj.wlkpUpał Pszczół
14.12.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231214-Z8Loreena McKennitAll Souls Night
14.12.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231214-Z9Math The BandBig Deal Human Ear
14.12.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231214-Z10WWWStin
14.12.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231214-Z11Heavy VegetableEggy In A Bready
14.12.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231214-Z12Billy Woods & Kenny SegalSpider Hole
14.12.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231214-Z13Neil HamburgerLonely
14.12.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231214-Z14The FallPsykick Dancehall
14.12.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231214-Z15Mozart’s SisterFaif
14.12.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231214-Z16Mexican Power AuthorityDon’t Fucking Label Me
14.12.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231214-Z17Lilac BoyBouncy House Dining Room
14.12.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231214-Z18TrickyFor Real
14.12.2023Alternator, Radio Żak231214-Z19PMMPPaivakoti
DataMiejsce emisjiNumer playlistyNumer porz.ArtystaPiosenka
19.05.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220519-Z1SsakiRock’n’roll
19.05.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220519-Z2Mariachi El BronxHigh Tide
19.05.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220519-Z3Mindless Self IndulgenceRip Off
19.05.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220519-Z4Childish GambinoShadows
19.05.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220519-Z5Haiku FristailSarenka
19.05.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220519-Z6Jacques IbertJeux Sonatine, 2.Tendre
19.05.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220519-Z7Johnny CashRusty Cage
19.05.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220519-Z8CardiacsGloomy News
19.05.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220519-Z9Sonic YouthBull In The Heather
19.05.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220519-Z10Jan LF StrachNagle Nic
19.05.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220519-Z11Extra Action Marching Band & Extreme ElvisThe Wizard (Black Sabbath cover)
19.05.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220519-Z12GjallarhornLille Dansa
19.05.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220519-Z13Kitty Pryde feat. Riff RaffOrion’s Belt
19.05.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220519-Z14Blood DusterPornstorestiffi
19.05.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220519-Z15Heavy VegetableDutch
19.05.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220519-Z16KnorkatorLiebeslied
19.05.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220519-Z17Jenny HvalSabbath
19.05.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220519-Z18Everything EverythingPhotoshop Handsome
19.05.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220519-Z19ChałupnikLetni Natłok Myśli
3.06.2022Engramy, Radio Luz2209603-L1LaikaBreather
3.06.2022Engramy, Radio Luz2209603-L2Jan LF StrachŚwinoujście Internet Cafe
3.06.2022Engramy, Radio Luz2209603-L3Andy StottSleepless
3.06.2022Engramy, Radio Luz2209603-L4Threshold Houseboys ChoirPart One – ‘A Time Of Happening’
3.06.2022Engramy, Radio Luz2209603-L5Jan Lf StrachOczy Foki 2_2
3.06.2022Engramy, Radio Luz2209603-L6Thee MajestyMary Never Wanted Jesus (Magdalene Marriage)
3.06.2022Engramy, Radio Luz2209603-L7Rival ConsolesOdyssey
3.06.2022Engramy, Radio Luz2209603-L8Jan LF StrachTaniec Źdźbła Wokół Kwadratu
3.06.2022Engramy, Radio Luz2209603-L9Patricia TaxxonTraveller
3.06.2022Engramy, Radio Luz2209603-L10Yves TumorE.Eternal
3.06.2022Engramy, Radio Luz2209603-L11Jan LF StrachRozpłynąć Się w Tobie, Ach Cóż By To Był Za Koniec
3.06.2022Engramy, Radio Luz2209603-L12Chancha Via CircuitoSueno En Paraguay
16.06.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220616-Z1These New PuritansThree Thousand
16.06.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220616-Z2Bryan ScaryAnother Ace In The Hole
16.06.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220616-Z3Danny Pudi & Donald GloverSomewhere Out There (Z serialu „Community”)
16.06.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220616-Z4David Coffin & PublicznośćRoll The Old Chariot (2010 Portsmouth Maritime Festival)
16.06.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220616-Z5Bruno Wen-LiToui Sora He (Yosuga No Sora OST)
16.06.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220616-Z6InquisitionAstral Path To Supreme Majesties
16.06.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220616-Z7Terence Trent D’ArbyDesignated Fool
16.06.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220616-Z8Jan LF StrachRozpłynąć Się w Tobie, Ach Cóż By To Był Za Koniec
16.06.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220616-Z9SurrogatWillst Du
16.06.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220616-Z10Maxo KreamG3
16.06.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220616-Z11R. Stevie MooreChantilly Lace
16.06.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220616-Z12Cibo MattoClouds
16.06.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220616-Z13Projekt LutyBoleśnie
16.06.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220616-Z14Da Vinci’s NotebookThe Gates
16.06.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220616-Z15Hello SaferideI Thought You Said Summer Is Going To Take The Pain Away
16.06.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220616-Z16The FallCyber Insekt
16.06.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220616-Z17Guided By VoicesSurgical Focus
16.06.2022Alternator, Radio Żak220616-Z18SandDestroyer
27.10.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221027-Z1The GardenCloak
27.10.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221027-Z2BaiucaSolpor
27.10.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221027-Z3MadredeusGraça – a última ciência
27.10.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221027-Z4Lady SovereignPublic Warning
27.10.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221027-Z5MorphineI’m Free Now
27.10.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221027-Z6McluskyRice Is Nice
27.10.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221027-Z7DeerhoofSympathy For The Baby Boo
27.10.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221027-Z8Scott WalkerSleepwalkers Woman
27.10.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221027-Z9Nick MasonCan’t Get My Motor To Start
27.10.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221027-Z10Maxo KreamGreener Knots
27.10.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221027-Z11Jan LF StrachDezorientac-
27.10.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221027-Z12Neil YoungThe Ways Of Love
27.10.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221027-Z13KnorkatorJa Meine Frau
27.10.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221027-Z14SepulturaBorn Stubborn
27.10.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221027-Z15Kitchen CynicsAnother Little Death
27.10.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221027-Z16Laura CanouraAvalancha
27.10.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221027-Z17Friends Of GasBlaiberg
27.10.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221027-Z18Fun Lovin’ CriminalsShe Sings At The Sun
27.10.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221027-Z19Barbara MorgensternFjorden
24.11.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221124-Z1The WildheartsCaffeine Bomb
24.11.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221124-Z2Le Mystere Des Voix BulgaresShope Shope
24.11.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221124-Z3PM DawnAbout Nothing (For The Love Of Destiny)
24.11.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221124-Z4Ichiko AobaEaster Lily
24.11.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221124-Z5Open Mike Eagle(How Could Anybody) Feel At Home
24.11.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221124-Z6KittieGet Off (You Can Eat A Dick)
24.11.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221124-Z7Split EnzBold As Brass
24.11.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221124-Z8poj.wlkpSzkielet
24.11.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221124-Z9The Left BankePretty Ballerina
24.11.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221124-Z10Sergio WongEstilo
24.11.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221124-Z11Eric SatiePieces Froides, Danse De Travers, II. Passer
24.11.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221124-Z12ThingyLetterbomb
24.11.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221124-Z13Brittany SnowResearch Me Obsessively (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend OST)
24.11.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221124-Z14John FleagleBlow Northerne Wynde
24.11.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221124-Z15Nine Inch NailsMarch Of The Pigs
24.11.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221124-Z16Masters Of RealityJohn Brown
24.11.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221124-Z17UnderworldDinosaur Adventure 3D
24.11.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221124-Z18The ChillsEffloresce & Deliquesce
24.11.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221124-Z19Little DragonTwice
22.12.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221222-Z1A Formal HorseI Just Called To Say I Like You
22.12.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221222-Z2Hakushi Hasegawa怖いところ
22.12.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221222-Z3Za Siódmą GórąRaz Kozie Śmierć
22.12.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221222-Z43rd MatineeFamily Tree
22.12.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221222-Z5Danielle DaxFizzing Human Bomb
22.12.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221222-Z6Maxo Kream feat. Asap RockyStreets Alone
22.12.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221222-Z7Daniel JohnstonLove Forever
22.12.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221222-Z8Long Fin KillieKitten Heels
22.12.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221222-Z9Jan LF StrachW Czasie Zaprzeszłym
22.12.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221222-Z10ShrubbiesMy Shoulder Ride
22.12.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221222-Z11Oingo BoingoNothing Bad Ever Happens To Me
22.12.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221222-Z12Guided By VoicesHey, Hey, Spaceman
22.12.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221222-Z13HoleViolet
22.12.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221222-Z14BackworldThe Devil’s Plaything
22.12.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221222-Z15CaçapaCoco-Rojão nº03
22.12.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221222-Z16EelsFlyswatter
22.12.2022Alternator, Radio Żak221222-Z17Bal-SagothDraconis Albionensis

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